As technology advances and the tireless efforts of manufacturers, Teflon mesh conveyor belt technology has been very mature. Previously, the phenomenon of deviation often occurs, but it is not easy to appear now, But it does not mean that there is no such phenomenon, so the use of the process should also be guarded, prevent the deviation, reduce unnecessary trouble, to ensure the normal operation of production.

Teflon mesh conveyor belt in the machining process, the quality of the joint is very important, The joint quality affects whether the Teflon mesh belt will appear deviation. Second, any of the details of the installation process may affect whether it will appear deviation, so the installation should pay attention to the details of the problem; Teflon mesh belt in the operation process, to strengthen the inspection and maintenance, if you find the problem to be resolved in time. When loading to ensure that no deviation; Finally, check the cleaning device regularly to ensure proper operation.

If Teflon mesh conveyor belt with deviation, than how to do it? If the Teflon mesh belt deviation range is relatively small, can be installed aligning roller in the conveyor belt deviation; If the Teflon mesh conveyor belt suddenly left and right deviation, the direction is uncertainty, maybe the Teflon mesh conveyor belt is loose, you can make appropriate adjustments to tighten the device to eliminate deviation. If the Teflon mesh conveyor belt has remained to the side of the deviation, a number of vertical rolls can be installed within this range, So that the Teflon mesh conveyor belt to restore the original location, If the deviation of the largest position in the joints, you can correct the Teflon mesh conveyor belt joints and conveyor belt center line vertical, so you can eliminate the deviation; if the Teflon mesh conveyor belt deviation in the roller, maybe there is some problem in roller, Adjust the roller to the horizontal position to rotate normally to eliminate the deviation. If the direction and distance of the Teflon mesh conveyor belt deviation are certain, we can in the direction of the opposite side of the run, pad a number of high roller to eliminate the deviation; If the direction of the deviation does not change, maybe the middle of the roller and the Teflon mesh conveyor belt is not vertical line, check the adjustment roller to eliminate the deviation; Deviation point unchanged, if you find some appendages when checking trailer and roller, as long as the removal of the appendage can eliminate the deviation; If the direction and location of the deviation does not change, but the deviation is very serious, it may be that the scaffold level and verticality are incorrect and can be adjusted to the correct position.

If you want get to know more about Teflon conveyor belt or you want to purchase Teflon conveyor belt, please don’t hesitate to contact us
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